Mother Earth Rising
Working alongside communities, municipalities, individuals, and trusts, our mission is to plant 1,000,000 indigenous plants within the next 5 years. By doing this we hope to become an internationally recognized and trusted leader in regeneration.
We are here to support the Earth in doing what she does best. To help our ecosystems rehabilitate, renew, and regenerate themselves. We place our trust in the hands, hearts and knowledge of the elders of the planet who have been guiding us on how to protect and conserve the sacred, interdependent relationship between all life forms. By creating education and providing opportunities to reconnect to nature, ourselves, and one another, we aim to reestablish a true culture of love, respect, responsibility and good relationship between plants, animals, people, and the Great Spirit.
Donations made to Root to Heaven are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor M.A.I.S.C.